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Telco industry in Europe

220 transactions
€ 5 135 mil.

Source: CapitalIQ and Mergermarket

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Both segments display growth trends over the analyzed period. Total mobile telecoms revenue increased from EUR 1,792.29 million in 2018 to EUR 2,025.24 million in 2022. The forecast for the upcoming years indicates continued growth, with revenue expected to reach EUR 3,106.74 million by 2027F. This upward trajectory suggests a growing demand for mobile services in the Czech Republic.

Total fixed line telecoms revenue experienced a slight decline between 2018 and 2020, dropping from EUR 457.08 million in 2018 to EUR 410.60 million in 2020. However, the revenue rebounded to EUR 450.23 million in 2022 and is forecasted to continue growing, reaching EUR 546.71 million by 2027F.

In conclusion, the Czech Republic's telecoms market demonstrates growth in both mobile and fixed line revenues. The total mobile revenue segment is expected to experience significant growth, while the fixed line revenue segment shows a more moderate upward trend over the forecast period.

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The data reveals a general upward trend in market demand throughout the analyzed period. Between 2018 and 2022, the market demand for data, telecoms, and power transmission cables increased from EUR 1.27 billion to EUR 1.58 billion. This growth trend suggests a rising need for these cables in the Czech Republic, driven by factors such as the expansion of telecoms infrastructure and increased power transmission requirements.

Looking at the forecasted data, the market demand is expected to continue growing, albeit with a minor dip in 2023F, from EUR 1.58 billion in 2022 to EUR 1.57 billion. However, the demand is projected to recover and reach EUR 2.06 billion by 2027F, indicating sustained growth in the market.

In conclusion, the Czech Republic's market demand for data, telecoms, and power transmission cables shows a positive growth trajectory, reflecting the country's increasing need for advanced infrastructure and energy solutions. With a projected continued upward trend, the market is expected to surpass EUR 2 billion by 2027F.

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In the Czech Republic's telecommunications industry, the market is dominated by top players O2 Czech Republic a.s., T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., Vodafone Czech Republic a.s., and CETIN a.s., who have established strong positions by revenue and number of active SIM cards. O2 Czech Republic a.s. leads the market with the largest shares in both revenue and active SIM cards, followed by T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. and Vodafone Czech Republic a.s., while CETIN a.s. also holds a substantial share. This mix of dominant players and smaller competitors contributes to a dynamic and diverse telecoms landscape in the country.

In terms of internet connectivity, the Czech Republic's landscape is dominated by WiFi, xDSL, FTTH/B, CATV, and FWA technologies, which cater to the country's growing demand for reliable and accessible internet connections. WiFi is the most popular connectivity option, followed by xDSL, while FTTH/B demonstrates the increasing appetite for high-speed fiber connections.

In conclusion, the Czech Republic's telecommunications market is characterized by a mix of dominant players and smaller competitors, as well as a diverse range of internet connectivity technologies. These factors combine to create a dynamic and competitive industry that supports the country's growing need for reliable and accessible telecommunications services.

If you are interested, you can contact us at:

Hana Gawlasová

Director - Tax & Legal

+420 246 042 500

Jan Kudlák

Director - M&A Strategy

+420 603 418 819